When is the grant cycle?
The grant cycle for 2025 will open Wednesday, May 27, 2025 and close Wednesday, August 27, 2025 at noon (12PM CST). The Advisory Directors will make all final decisions by September 21, 2025. The grants awarded for 2025 will be mailed by September 26th, in honor of the birthday of Alice Kleberg Reynolds Meyer.
May we meet with the Trustee and/or Advisory Directors to discuss our grant request?
No, in order to be fair to all applicants, decisions are based only on the information in your online application. For privacy reasons we do not release the addresses, phone numbers or email addresses of the Advisory Directors. The Trustee cannot provide you with guidance on how the Advisory Directors make their decisions. You may review the list of Prior Grants to see what has been funded in the past.
May we send the Advisory Directors materials about our organization?
No, per their request, we do not forward emails, invitations, magazines/brochures, thank you notes, tickets, etc. Please do not send any materials in the mail, they will not be forwarded to the Advisory Directors.
May we call you if we have a question?
Please review the Guidelines and the FAQs before contacting us. If your question is not answered in either document, please contact the Trustee by email. We will provide a response as quickly as possible.
If our program is not selected, may we call and ask why?
No, we do not discuss the decisions of the Advisory Directors.
How do we update our password or the information in our Profile?
Please log in using your TIN and current password, then click “Edit Your Profile”.
We don’t know our Password. How do we log-in?
From the Login screen click on ‘Forgot your password?’ and follow the instructions provided. This will generate an email to the email address currently on your organization’s profile. If you do not receive it, please email the Trustee with your organization’s name and TIN so we can help you reset your organizations password.
What should we do if we are having compatibility issues with the website?
Make sure you are using the most current version of your internet browser.
If our organization is part of a college or university with different schools applying for different types of grants, what is the process for our school to apply?
Each TIN is limited to two (2) applications per year. No exceptions. If your college/university/school shares a TIN with another college/university/school, please check with your main office before applying to find out who is authorized to submit applications on behalf of your TIN. If your college/university/school has multiple TINs, we ask that you still limit your applications to two (2) per year.
When we create our profile can we use our DBA instead of the name on our Tax Determination Letter?
No, in the Organization “Name” field you must use the legal name on your Tax Determination Letter from the IRS. You may put your DBA in parenthesis after the legal name.
We already created our profile and submitted an application under our DBA. What do we need to do?
Your will need to edit your Organization’s name in your profile (do not try to re-register your organization – each TIN is limited to one profile). Change the name field to show the legal name on your Tax Determination Letter and 990 tax returns and put your DBA in parenthesis after the legal name.
If we are a current recipient of a multi-year grant commitment, what are the annual funding requirements?
Your organization must submit an application for each year of the multi-year commitment. Please be sure to mention that it is a multi-year renewal application in the documentation you attach.
If we are a current recipient of a multi-year grant commitment, can we apply for an additional grant?
Yes, but you must first submit an application for your current multiyear grant. Be sure to mention that you have already submitted your multiyear renewal application. We must be able to identify the difference between each grant.
Is the required budget question #12 the same as the optional budget question #17?
No, question #12 references the budget for the specific program/campaign that you are requesting the grant for. Budget question #17 references the entire budget for your organization. You are not required to complete questions 17-20 unless we contact you for that information.
What if we are not required to file a 990/990-PF Tax Return, do we still need to attach financial information?
Yes, the Foundation requires financial information for 2 years. If the organization is not required to file a 990/990-PF, please provide the previous 2 years of financial and/or audit information for your organization preferably from a certified public accountant. This includes certain institutions, churches and 990N filers.
Our most recent 990 has not been filed yet. Should we wait to submit our application until it is filed?
No, apply as early as possible! We require your two most recently filed 990 tax returns.
What if we haven’t been established long enough to have two 990 tax returns?
The Foundation requires two years of 990 tax returns so you must wait to apply until you have been established long enough to meet this requirement. If you do not meet this requirement, your application will be marked ineligible.
If we submit a file to you via email attachment, can you add it to our application?
No, we cannot accept email applications or attachments. The application is viewed by multiple parties. All information to be considered must be uploaded on the application for everyone to be able to review it.
What does it mean if my file is too big?
Attachment file size limited to 50 MB. If your attachment is too large you can try re-scanning the document in a lower resolution. Check the settings on your scanner to be sure you are scanning at a lower quality and lower DPI, which will reduce the file size when scanned.
How can I tell what the size of my file is?
Right click and select “Document Properties”. The file size will be displayed in the “Advanced” section.
Once we apply, how will we know that you have received our application?
You can check the status of your application online through your profile at any time. Refer to the Guidelines for definitions of each Grant Status.
If our grant is approved when will we receive funds?
Grants will be paid after all decisions are made by the Advisory Directors on September 22, 2025. It can take a few weeks from that date to get checks in the mail. If you receive a grant, please double check the mailing address on your organization’s profile. Grant checks will be mailed to the address listed on the website.
**Please be certain that your organization’s profile address is current. Grants will be mailed to the address on your profile.**
If our grant is approved how do we know how much we are receiving?
We cannot tell you exactly how much you will receive until all grants have been decided on September 21, 2025. This is because the Advisory Directors can adjust the amount of their approvals up until the final day for decision making. This policy is why you may see that your application shows a status of ‘Approved’ but you do not see the amount. You will find out your grant amount when your application has been moved to the ‘Granted’ status.
What do you need from us after we receive our grant funds?
The check will come with a letter that outlines the amount and restrictions of your grant. You must sign and return this letter in order to be eligible for future grant funding. No further action is needed. Please do not send us your annual report, newsletter, magazines, brochures, invitations, tickets, thank you notes, other funding requests, meeting requests, etc.